valore sheraton video, march 2021

Construction of VALORE SHERATON

Your chance is still there to register and learn more about our great project VALORE SHERATON through this page here.


This is the construction video of Valore Sheraton project in march 2021, and as you see we’re going through our plan as promised and working on developing the best luxury life for your family.


Your luxury life is in progress.


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Muruj Green city

Muruj Green City is coming soon

As one of the new projects Buyan development is working on currently is Muruj Green City, under the umbrella of The Egyptian Armed Forces and the great initiative for joint development between civil society and the armed forces, our project is now being implemented and under construction.

Muruj Green city is a great opportunity for those who seek the best and most relaxable locations, healthy life, and a better future for their families.